Episode 41
Starting at the 0:22 mark.
H: First of all…the weather was beautiful. And the meeting with my mother-in-law was over, which I was worried about. And now all that’s left is, to just enjoy myself.
Y: Ah, the ocean smell!
H: This ocean smell?
Y: Yeah. You don’t smell it?
H: I do, kind of.
Sub: Hyun getting excited over seeing the ocean
Y: Should we buy some snacks and herd the seagulls?
H: Seagulls? Okay.
Sub: The traditional game of any ocean trip à feeding the seagulls…
H: You’re not scared of seagulls?
Y: I’m not scared.
At the 1:00 mark.
Y: Seagulls would like shrimp crackers the best, right?
Owner: Yes, they do.
MC: It must be a present to the seagulls.
MC: Oh, shrimp crackers.
Sub: buying supplies to feed the seagulls…
Y: Yah, I finally get to step on to the white sand beach of Haewoondae.
H: I want to go down there!
Y: Just jump!
H: Let’s go!
Y: Look, it’s a seagull!
Y: Busan seagulls~ [NOTE: It’s an old Korean song.]
MC: Oh, the Busan natives should know this song.
MC: It’s the national anthem of Busan.
H: Look over there! It’s like they’re sunbathing.
Sub: Seagull flocks in the middle of tanning (?)
MC: Oh, it’s my first time seeing them up close.
H: Wow, it’s so cool.
H: Oh, they’re cute!
At the 2:00 mark.
Y: Yahh, they’re scary!
H: What?
H: I want to go down there!
Y: Did you ever try this before?
H: No, I haven’t.
Y: Yeah, me neither.
Sub: Both of them trying it for the first time…
H: Really?
Y: Yeah. I’ve always wanted to do it.
Sub: finally going down to the beach…
Y: Hey! Galmaeg~! [NOTE:‘Galmaegi’ is seagull in Korean.]
MC: I did it there once too.
MC: With who?
MC: With…er…my 2AM brothers.
MC: They told me they had never been there. Who did you go with?
Y: Should we walk down?
H: Okay.
Y: Kids! Let’s eat!
H: Maegi, maegi! [NOTE: See above note.] They’re running away?
Sub: the seagulls not paying much attention…
Y: Hey, guys!
Sub: suddenly!
Sub: the seagulls reacting to the shrimp crackers…
MC: Oh, it’s like in that one Hitchcock movie, with the birds...
Sub: the seagulls catching everything that’s thrown at them…!
At the 3:05 mark.
MC: It’s like a horror movie.
MC: The seagull brigade…
Sub: in the middle of that…
Y: Seohyun, let’s go!
Sub: hurriedly taking care of his wife…
Sub: running away…
MC: Oh, look at that!
Sub: in the end…!
Sub: gives up the entire bag…
MC: They lost it.
Sub: barely escaping…
MC: They must’ve bought it to look romantic…
Y: I looked up, and…I really couldn’t see the sky at all. Because the seagulls, just…I was so surprised, I left Seohyun behind.
MC: He ditches Seohyun to save himself.
Y: And then I remembered, so I went back to get her.
H: Why did you throw it away? We need to get it back.
At the 4:00 mark.
H: The chips, the chips.
H: Hurry.
Sub: being led by her hand
Sub: on their way to rescue (?) the shrimp crackers
Y: How do we get in there?
H: Do it while yelling “Wuuhhhhhh.”
Sub: Charge…!
Y: Go away!
H: Go away! Pigeons!
MC: She called them pigeons.
Y: I wonder how they smell it?
H: I know, right.
H: I think they’re going to surround us again.
Sub: trying again…
MC: A lot of them are coming again!
Sub: success!
Sub: with their luck…one more time!
At the 5:00 mark.
Sub: the seagulls flocking from the smell!
Y: Hey, run away!
MC: That looks fun!
Y: No, no, I’m not giving you any!
MC: The seagulls’ love for shrimp crackers is close to godliness
MC: When the seagulls turn angry, they take a dump.
MC: On their heads.
MC: Look at his leg!
Y: They look like kites.
MC: Not giving up, trying to feed them again…!
Y: Yeah! Okay, next!
MC: When I do that, I don’t do itlike that.
MC: How do you do it?
At the 6:00 mark.
MC: You have to call their names. Jonathan! Sebastian
Y: Here, you try.
Sub: Hyun tries it too…
Y: Stay still.
H: Wow! It’s fun.
MC: It’s fun, she says.
Sub: looks like they’re getting closer ^^
H: Now it’s getting…a little tired. It’s really fun, though.
H: The next day, I got cramps in my legs. Really. At the time, it was so fun and exciting, so I didn’t notice, but then I thought about it and I realized that I had run so much.
Y: I now know…how to go back to our house with the seagulls in tow. I can go back to Sangdo-dong with them.With the cookies…about 300 seagulls.
Sub: after spending some time with the Busan seagulls…
Y: Move! I’m leaving, I’m going to leave! Don’t come near me!
At the 7:00 mark.
Y: Hyung’s going to leave.
Sub: just then!
H: Waaaah!
H: They went to the grandmother over there!
Sub: the seagull-calling maiden
MC: Wow, I never saw that happen.
Sub: Haewoondae seagull ahjumma appears
Sub: suddenly!
H: Wahh!
Sub: seagull master trainer Yong…?!!
Sub: b.u.t.!
Sub: his seagull friends all flying away
Sub: after running their hearts out with the Busan seagulls
H: Ahh~it’s nice.
MC: Both of them seem tired out.
Y: Let’s go ride the boat!
H: Boat?
Y: Riding the boat.
Sea: suddenly bringing up a boat…?!
H: What boat?
Y: “Busan’s Landmark, Amazing Tours.”
At the 8:00 mark.
H: Is that what we’re riding?
Y: Yeah, that goes all the way to America.
H: Really. How many days does it take?
Sub: Hyun’s jokes getting similar to Yong’s
Y: Around 35 days?
MC: That boat goes around Oryook-do. [NOTE: An island off the coast of Busan.]
MC: Oh, on the boat.
MC: There’s a song about that, “The boat going around…” is that what it’s about?
Sub: coming to ride the cruise ship
Y: If both a goguma and I fall into the sea, which one would you save?
H: Of course I’d save the goguma.
MC: She would save the goguma.
MC: Well, they’re the goguma couple, after all.
Sub: time to ride the boat…
H: Wow, it’s so nice~!
MC: It’s really nice
At the 9:00 mark.
MC: Jonghyun, you know that place, right?
Sub: today’s Busan guide, Jonghyun
MC: Actually, Busan natives probably don’t know Oryook-do that well.
MC: From all the Busan people I’ve known, you’re the only one that doesn’t know about Oryook-do.
Sub: the boat finally starts…
H: Should we sit here?
H: Oh, thank you. You’re cold, right?
Y: No, I’m fine.
H: Isn’t it a bit like a kimbap? [NOTE: Korean sushi roll, where you roll a black piece of seaweed around the insides, usually consisting of white rice and a variety of vegetables.]
Y: Kimbap?
H: I’m not really cold…are you cold?
Y: My hands are cold.
H: Is that warm?
Y: Yeah.
Sub: finally…!
Captain: I’ll be giving a talk about Oryook-do.
Sub: the captain’s informative talk begins
Sub: the two people deeply~falling into the Haewoondae tour
Sub: Oryook-do, depending on the direction in which it is looked at…can be either 5 islands or six islands…[NOTE: 5 = ‘oh’. 6 = ‘yook’. Put together, it is pronounced ‘oryook’, or literally, ‘5-6’. So the island’s name in English would be “five-six island”.]
MC: Oh, so the number of islands can change depending on the direction.
Sub: And…!
Captain: you will see a white substance(?) flowing down the island.
Sub: a white island on top of the blue ocean…!
Captain: those would be the excrement of birds.
MC: excrement of birds.
Sub: a whi~te work of art…!
H: Wow, it’s the best, right?
Sub: the captain’s lecture(?) ends~!
Sub: going around the Haewoondae sea
At the 1:00 mark.
Sub: returning to the pier~
Sub: the couple finishing their cruise
Y: It’s getting dark.
H: Those people don’t seem scared.
Y: They’re veterans.
H: It seems to be getting colder.
Y: Seohyun.
H: Why did you do that?
Sub: Had done a lock-armed version at their Japan trip
Y: I thought a lot about that.
H: What kind of thoughts?
Y: Seohyun actually did it.
H: Ha! Really?
Y: This is important.
H: But I was comfortable…
Y: Really?
At the 2:00 mark.
H: Yeah, it’s comfortable when it’s like…but your hand…
Sub: then…
H: Today, something…is missing.
Sub: something is suddenly missing…?!
Y: What?
H: What can it be?
Y: What is it?
H: I…my neck is missing something.
MC: Does she want a scarf?
H: I wonder why?
Y: Huh?
H: Sit.
Y: Why is your neck feeling empty?
H: It’s just missing something.
Y: The necklace?
H: That’s right.
Sub: about the necklace…
Y: the butterfly necklace?
H: Yeah!
MC: Oh, the one he gave as a present?
Sub: his birthday present to her at Ganghwa-do
H: Do you remember what it looks like?
Y: Of course I remember.
H: Do you think you would know if I had it on?
At the 3:00 mark.
Y: I would know if I saw.
H: Ahhh, really!
Y: What?
H: You don’t have very good eyes.
Y: Why?
H: Do you know how much I’ve been wearing the butterfly necklace?
MC: She had it on in Japan, too. And in Ganghwa-do.
Sub: if it’s with Yonghwa, the necklace is always there…!
H: You don’t know, right?
MC: His face doesn’t know about it at all.
H: I did it the last time, and the time before that, and I always had it on! And you didn’t know about it.
Sub: But Yong didn’t know!?
Y: Oh, I knew about that!
H: What?? Really? Are you sure you didn’t know about it?
Y: Why wouldn’t I know that?
H: I thought you didn’t know.
Y: Why wouldn’t I?
H: Because you didn’t say anything.
Y: Oh, like “You have it on today~”?
H: Yeah.
At the 4:00 mark.
MC: She wanted to hear things like, “Oh, it looks pretty…”
MC: That one phrase…
MC: Is that so hard?
H: I thought you had forgotten about it.
Y: The present? Why would I forget about that, I paid for it!
Sub: this is the way a man works(?)!
MC: So simple.
H: I thought you didn’t know.
MC: But if he doesn’t express it, how would she know.
H: I shouldn’t wear it next time. I think Yong oppa’s, like, he wouldn’t say anything when I do it, but would ask about it if I’m not wearing it. Should I try doing that?
PD: Are you upset?
H: Not exactly upset, but…yeah, I guess I’m upset.
Y: I always saw her wearing it, but I didn’t know I was supposed to say something about it. Next time, when I see it, I’m going to mention it a lot.
H: Then I guess I’ll put it back on.
At the 5:00 mark.
Sub: was hiding the necklace…
MC: She has it with her?
Y: But then, in the morning,you…#$@%$!^!^& [NOTE: Undecipherable, sorry…I tried my best… ]
H: You didn’t do it!
Y: Okay, okay. So that’s what you wanted, our Seohyun…
H: What do you mean, want? Ah, really…
Y: I was just looking at it, like “oh, she has it on…”
H: Ahhh, really, my…
Y: What?
H: Nothing.
H: Really…
Y: You probably wouldn’t know~ if you had the butterfly necklace on~ [NOTE: Another popular Korean song, back in the day.]
Y: You should’ve asked about it.
H: I was going to…but…I forgot. From now on, tell me.
Y: Okay.
H: Let’s go. Go!
Y: Go where?
H: Somewhere.
Y: You know the way?
H: Let’s just go somewhere.
MC: They’re in Busan, where would she go.
Y: I need to call my friend.
Sub: Yong husband’s friend!!
At the 6:00 mark.
MC: Yonghwa’s friends.
Friend: hello?
Y: Oh, where are you?
Sub: Yong’s friends…perhaps…
Friend: I’m on my way.
Sub: your friends…do you still meet them?
Friend: hang on a few minutes, I’ll be there quickly.
H: I’m curious.
MC: This should be interesting.
Y: He should be here by now…
Phone: unable to connect to caller. Please leave a…
Sub: his friend still seems to be lost…
H: Are you sure he’s coming?
H: I wonder where he is…
Y: I think there’s going to be around 4 people.
MC: Yonghwa’s friends really got daebaked, meeting a member of SNSD. [NOTE: That’s the best way I can phrase it…the close translation would be ‘really really lucky’.]
Y: They’re friends that I’ve been close with since elementary school.
Sub: his closest friends for his whole life!
MC: They’re his closest friends.
Y: They’re my friends from the neighborhood, I know them better than anyone else, and I really wanted to introduce them to Seohyun.
Phone: unable to connect to caller. Please…
H: Were you left behind?
Y: Impossible.
MC: I think his friends are going to be very masculine.
Y: We’re doo-maek-paem.
Sub: Yong’s friends =doo-maek-paem
H: What does that mean?
At the 1:00 mark.
Y: Doosil McDonald Family. [NOTE:Doosil is the neighborhood where Yonghwa and friends grew up. Doo-Mc-Fam, or doo-maek-paem.]
MC: Oh, that was where they all met?
Y: They’re all very kind and nice.
H: Really? They wouldn’t be uncomfortable around me, right?
Y: It’ll be okay if you’re not uncomfortable around them.
H: Okay.
MC: She needs to do well when she meets his friends, it’s a way to boost his morale.
Y: He should be here by now…Jinsuk!
H: Where would he hear that?
Y: He could hear it. Jung Jinsuk!
Sub: Will Jinsuk show up… [NOTE: the music playing here is from a TV show called “Love Through the Television” where a celebrity would be reunited with their long-lost friends. The show would reach its climax when the celebrity would shout out the name of his/her friend, who would appear through a door.]
Y: Oh, Yonghwa…did you call me?
MC: I wonder if he will show up.
Y: Oh, he’s here!
H: Really?
Sub: Finally!
Sub: Jinsuk chingoo arriving after going seven times around the block
H: Oh, is that him?
Sub: Yong very happy at meeting his best friend
At the 2:00 mark.
Y: This is Jinsuk.
H: Hello…this is my first time meeting you.
Jinsuk: Hello, I’m Jinsuk…I was Yonghwa’s friend since elementary school.
H: Oh, really? Glad to meet you.
Jinsuk: Sorry, you waited a long time, right?
MC: He looks cute.
Jinsuk: I went on the wrong road, so…
Y: Jinsuk, this is Seohyun…
H: doo-maec-paem…of course.
Jinsuk: let’s be comfortable…go comfortable…let’s just go…ugh.
Sub: the person more nervous that Hyun wife
Jinsuk: we need to stop by Busan-dae to pick up Yejie.
Sub: Yejie! A female name??
MC: Oh, it’s a female name?
Y: Her name is Yejie, she’s the sole female member of our doo-maek-paem.
Sub: there’s a girl among her husband’s friends!
At the 3:00 mark.
MC: There’s a female?
H: Yejie unnie…
H: She must be a little…tomboyish.
Y: No, she’s not really a tomboy.
H: Then what?
Y: She’s a comfortable friend.
MC: She might be a little upset atthat.
Y: Hey, do you remember how we grew so close to Yejie?
Y: She’s really comfortable to be around, you know…I don’t see her as female.
MC: If he says that, what’s Yejie’s position going to be?
Sub: meanwhile…arriving near Busan-dae
MC: Budae is the Busan equivalent of Hongdae in Seoul.It’s narrow and small, but it has everything. [NOTE: Both are popular places for teenagers.]
MC: He finally said something.
Sub: Calling Yejie…
Yejie: Yeah.
Y: Where are you?
At the 4:00 mark.
Yejie: I’m at #$@%.
Y: I’m almost there with Jinsuk.
Yejie: Yeah.
Y: Wait outside, we’re almost there.
Yejie: Okay…Jung Yong…
Y: Jung Yong…really.
MC: I wonder what her reaction would be to seeing his close female friend?
MC: Whether she’s better than me or not.
MC: And on top of that, if she’s prettier…
MC: It’s either she hates her, or they become friends.
Sub: Finally…!
Sub: Arriving in front of Busan-dae!
Y: Oh, I see Yejie.
H: Where?
Sub: There…
Sub: Yejie chingoo entering…
Y: Yejie!
Yejie: Hello…yah, what am I supposed to do?
At the 5:00 mark.
MC: She’s cute.
Yejie: It’s so hard to look at her. [NOTE: Not 100% positive. Busan accent…]
H: Hello.
Yejie: Hello…omona.
MC: Omona.
MC: Oh, they’re doing well.
Yejie: You have a really small face.
Y: Yejie! Aren’t you happy to see me?
Sub: Yong becoming invisible thanks to Hyun
Yejie: It’s a celebrity…#$@%. [NOTE: GOD, I HATE TRANSLATING DIALECT.]
MC: #$@%.
Y: She’s a Busan-style girl.
H: At first, I thought the doo-maek-paem would be all guys, but…I was really surprised when I heard there was a girl. But when I saw her, she was really cute, and her face was really white, and she looked pretty.
At the 6:03 mark.
Sub: on their way to pick up their last friends
Yejie: Actually, you know what. Do you think I should’ve put on more makeup?
Y: No, it’s fine.
Sub: Busan girl paying attention to her face for her first broadcast
MC: Because she’s on broadcast.
Jinsuk: Now we need to get Ookhun and go straight up.
MC: Oh, I know Ookhun.
MC: You know him?
Yejie: Would you like some gum?
Sub: Friendship flowing through a piece of gum
Sub: Finally arriving at their last pick-up place!
Sub: Here…!
Sub: Doosil’s hamburger place
At the 7:00 mark.
Y: There they are.
Sub: Last friends for today!
MC: Oh, he’s really happy!
MC: He’s meeting them after awhile.
MC: He must’ve been busy, so he wouldn’t have had the time.
MC: That’s right.
Y: Why did you two dress up so well?
H: This my first time meeting you, hello. [NOTE: In case you’re curious…the phrase “this is my first time meetingyou” is a standard way of greeting when you’re being introduced to a new person.]
Y: Lee Donghyun, and Kang Ookhun.
Sub: finished with bringing together Yong’s close friends!
At the 8:00 mark.
Y: Ookhui. [NOTE: Ookhun with an accent.]
Sub: starting for Bhumuh-sa…!
MC: Where’s Bhumuh-sa?
MC: It’s in Busan, it’s a very famous temple.
MC: There must be a famous café nearby?
MC: Oh, the café…well, I’ve never been there, so…
Y: How’s meeting SNSD’s Seohyun?
Ookhun: Never thought a day like this would come in my life. [NOTE: Korean idiom, this is the closest English translation.]
Yejie: I’ve only been seeing you through posters.
Jinsuk: Me too, me too.
Ookhun: From about 100 m away…
Donghyun: I have the calendar.
Sub: everyone having an interest in Hyun wife
H: Oh, really?
Y: What are you doing?
Donghyun: getting acclimatized.
Y: Why are you being so shy?
Ookhun: Aigoo…don’t be like this.
Sub: Don’t be like that…^^
Sub: going through mountain roads
Sub: heading to a café nearby Bhumuh-sa…!
At the 9:00 mark.
Sub: finally here!
Y: Yejie! You lost some weight!
Yejie: Don’t even say anything. It was hard.
Y: Why? What did you do?
Yejie: All I ate were gogumas.
Yejie: I like gogumas too.
H: Uuooooh!
Y: Jinsuk! Wait.
Sub: affection display in front of friends
Sub: mass ignoring
Y: Why is Yejie going first?
Sub: heading towards the mountain café that Jinsuk scouted…!
At the 10:00 mark.
Sub: friends attempting to sit according to their preference(?)
MC: It’s not really a fancy café, but more like…
Yejie: You two should face each other.
Sub: in conference…for a while
Sub: finished adjusting places…!
Jinsuk: glad to meet you.
Y: what do you mean, glad?
MC: It’s awkward.
MC: Awkward.
Y: Jinsuk has a knack for finding out these places.
Yejie: picking out places where other people don’t know about…
Jinsuk: we need to formally introduce ourselves now.
Yejie: you start first.
Oohkun: No, don’t start with me.
Y: Seo Joo-hyun.
H: It’s Seohyun.
Sub: united…applause!
Y: You guys are applauding to that?
Y: Jung Jinsuk.
At the 11:00 mark.
Y: Moon Yejie.
Yejie: What?
Y: Don’t worry about your image.
Y: Lee Donghyun and Kang Ookhun.
Y: How is it, seeing Seohyun? Now that you’ve seen Seo Joohyun.
Ookhun: Aish…stop calling on me first.
MC: He’s a friend who cares for others.
Y: He’s the kind that butts into other people’s conversations.
Y: Jinsuk…how do you feel?
Jinsuk: Well, just…I can’t say anything.
MC: He must’ve done some research.
MC: He seems to be the type who handles all the work between his friends.
Yejie: But, you know. I didn’t know it when I was watching TV, but your face is really small.
Ookhun: So you’re saying her face is big on TV?
Yejie: No, no, all I’m saying is, honestly…
At the 12:00 mark.
Y: This is Busan style. They’re not fighting or anything.
H: Okay.
Sub: innocent boys find it hard to even say their first impressions
Donghyun: Well, I feel really happy, after seeing you so much on TV, so…
Ookhun: blessed.
MC: Ookhun's talented at paring down words.
Sub: then Hyun wife’s first thoughts?
H: They’re all very nice and innocent, I think.
Yejie: You don’t know us yet.
Y: Don’t make up things to say on purpose!
Sub: but all they’ve done is go through introductions
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